2018年06月17日:被沙暴吞噬的火星-(Mars Engulfed)

2018年06月17日:被沙暴吞噬的火星-(Mars Engulfed)

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2018年06月17日:被沙暴吞噬的火星-(Mars Engulfed)
2018年06月17日:被沙暴吞噬的火星-(Mars Engulfed)--原图下载

Image Credit: J. Bell (ASU),M. Wolff(Space Science Inst.),Hubble Heritage Team (STScI /AURA),NASA
说明: 火星发生了什么事呢?在2001年,火星出现一个宽度与火星相当的沙暴,而这是地球观测史上,侵袭火星的最大沙暴系统。这两张由哈伯太空望远镜在2001年6月底和9月初拍摄的沙暴监控影像,很清楚地呈现了火星表面在这二个时间点的对比。在左侧的影像里,原来在希腊盆地(火星右下缘)和北极冠附近的小沙暴"种子",在两个月之后,发展成覆盖了全火星的超大型沙暴系统 (右图)。这个沙暴虽然已然消散,但是最近另一个全新的大型沙暴又再次吞噬了火星


Image Credit: J. Bell (ASU),M. Wolff(Space Science Inst.),Hubble Heritage Team (STScI /AURA),NASA
Explanation: What's happened to Mars?In 2001, Mars underwent a tremendous planet-wide dust storm -- one of the largest ever recorded from Earth.To show the extent, these two Hubble Space Telescopestorm watch images from late June andearly September (2001) offer dramatically contrasting viewsof the martian surface.At left, the onset of smaller "seed" storms can be seen nearthe Hellas basin(lower right edge of Mars) and thenorthern polar cap.A similar surface view at right, taken over two months later,shows the fully developed extent of the obscuring global storm.Although this storm eventually waned, in recent days a new large dust storm has been taking hold of the red planet.


