2016年11月29日:W5: 灵魂星云之内的恆星诞生-(W5: The Soul of Star Formation)

2016年11月29日:W5: 灵魂星云之内的恆星诞生-(W5: The Soul of Star Formation)

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2016年11月29日:W5: 灵魂星云之内的恆星诞生-(W5: The Soul of Star Formation)
2016年11月29日:W5: 灵魂星云之内的恆星诞生-(W5: The Soul of Star Formation)--原图下载

Image Credit: Jos� Jim�nez Priego (Astromet)
说明: 恒星形成于何处?很多时候,恒星形成于云气和黝黑尘埃受到狂乱推挤的剧烈环境之中。在上面影像里,位在灵魂星云 (W5)中心的大质量亮星,正在爆炸或在辐射会导致电离的星光强烈的恒星风。这些向外辐散的光和气体,推走和蒸发周围大部分的气体和尘埃,但留下了顶端有緻密物质结保护的云气柱。不过这些物质结内部,也在形成恒星之中。上面这幅主题影像,呈现了宽达1,000光年、到处都是恒星形成柱的空穴状W5内部。又名为IC 1848的灵魂星云(W5),位在天后座 (衣索比亚之后)方向,离我们约6,500光年远。在数亿年之后,此处可能空留下成团的恒星,接着,这些恒星将星散各奔前程


Image Credit: Jos� Jim�nez Priego (Astromet)
Explanation: Where do stars form?Many times, stars form in energetic regions where gas and dark dust are pushed around in chaotic mayhem. Pictured, bright massive stars near the center of W5, the Soul Nebula, are exploding and emitting ionizing light and energetic winds.The outward-moving light and gas push away and evaporate much surrounding gas and dust, but leave pillars of gas behind dense protective knots.Inside these knots, though, stars also form. The featured image highlights the inner sanctum of W5, an arena spanning about 1,000 light years that is rich in star forming pillars.The Soul Nebula, also cataloged as IC 1848, lies about 6,500 light years away toward the constellation of the Queen of Aethopia (Cassiopeia).Likely, in few hundred million years, only a cluster of the resulting stars will remain.Then, these stars will drift apart.


