2018年12月01日:珠穆朗玛峰上空的恆星迹线-(Mount Everest Star Trails)

2018年12月01日:珠穆朗玛峰上空的恆星迹线-(Mount Everest Star Trails)

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2018年12月01日:珠穆朗玛峰上空的恆星迹线-(Mount Everest Star Trails)
2018年12月01日:珠穆朗玛峰上空的恆星迹线-(Mount Everest Star Trails)--原图下载

Image Credit &Copyright: Jeff Dai(TWAN)
说明: 在这幅山峦与夜空影像里入镜的,是地球最高峰。这张在9月30日那晚,在珠峰基地营用固定在三脚架的相机连续拍摄的240张照片数位合成之影像,呈现了珠穆朗玛峰壁立的北面及受到明亮月光照耀的前景。这系列摄于1.5小时期间的照片,也记录了美丽多彩的恒星迹线。这些以远在崎岖地平线下方的南天极为中心的平滑同心弧,显示地球是在绕地轴自转。而恒星迹线的色泽,其实标示出恒星的温度;其中,较高温恒星的迹线色泽偏蓝,黄及红色泽的迹线来自比太阳低温的恒星。


Image Credit &Copyright: Jeff Dai(TWAN)
Explanation: The highest peak onplanet Earthis framed in this mountain and night skyscape.On September 30, the digital stack of 240 sequential exposuresmade with a camera fixed to a tripod at an EverestBase Camp captured the sheernorth faceof the Himalayan mountain and foreground illuminatedby bright moonlight.Taken over 1.5 hours, the sequence also recorded colorful star trails.Reflecting the planet's daily rotation on its axis,their motion is along gentle concentric arcs centered on thesouth celestial pole,a point well below the rugged horizon.The colorof the trails actually indicates the temperatures of the stars.Blueish hues are from hotter stars, and yellow to reddish huesare from stars cooler than the Sun.


