2023年07月13日:韦伯望远镜的心宿增四星云-(Webb's Rho Ophiuchi)

2023年07月13日:韦伯望远镜的心宿增四星云-(Webb's Rho Ophiuchi)

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2023年07月13日:韦伯望远镜的心宿增四星云-(Webb's Rho Ophiuchi)
2023年07月13日:韦伯望远镜的心宿增四星云-(Webb's Rho Ophiuchi)--原图下载

Image Credit:NASA,ESA,CSA,STScI,Klaus Pontoppidan (STScI),Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI)
说明: 距离我们仅有390光年的蛇夫座心宿增四星云複合体,是最邻近地球的恒星形成区,而类太阳恒星及未来的行星系统正形成于其中。韦伯太空望远镜的近红外相机,最近以空前细緻的尺度,为这个混乱喧嚣的育婴室拍下了这幅红外光影像。并以这幅刚发布壮丽的宇宙快照,来庆贺韦伯望远镜探索宇宙的第一年任务大获成功。这幅影像呈现心宿增四星云不到1光年的区域及大约50颗年轻恒星。其中较亮的恒星,更带着韦伯望远镜特有的衍射芒。源自新诞生恒星的庞大激震分子氢喷流,在此影像里以红色来呈现,此外,还可见到一个大型的泛黄尘埃空穴,及其中心附近清出这个空穴的活跃年轻恒星。在这幅引人讚叹影像的部分恒星附近,甚至可见到它们的原行星盘所投射的影子。(Rho Ophiuchi 心宿增四星云)


Image Credit:NASA,ESA,CSA,STScI,Klaus Pontoppidan (STScI),Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI)
Explanation: A mere 390 light-years away,Sun-like stars and future planetary systems are forming inthe Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud complex,the closest star-forming region to our fair planet.The James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam peeredinto the nearby natal chaosto capture this infrared image atan inspiring scale.The spectacular cosmic snapshot was released to celebrate the successfulfirst year ofWebb's explorationof the Universe.The frame spansless than a light-year across the Rho Ophiuchi regionand contains about 50 young stars.Brighter stars clearly sport Webb's characteristic pattern ofdiffraction spikes.Huge jets of shocked molecular hydrogenblasting fromnewborn stars are red in the image, withthe large, yellowish dusty cavity carved out by the energeticyoung star near its center.Near some stars in the stunning image are shadows cast by theirprotoplanetary disks.


