2016年09月14日:木星的北极区及南极区-(The North and South of Jupiter)

2016年09月14日:木星的北极区及南极区-(The North and South of Jupiter)

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2016年09月14日:木星的北极区及南极区-(The North and South of Jupiter)
2016年09月14日:木星的北极区及南极区-(The North and South of Jupiter)--原图下载

Image Credit: NASA, JPL, JunoMission
说明: 一个宽广的环形轨道,在8月27日把朱诺号带到木星附近。随着这艘太空船绕过这颗巨行星的极区,朱诺相机所拍下的这些珍贵极区景观,与通常由向外曳航太空船及地基望远镜所拍摄的近赤道视角景观有所区别。木星向阳面的北极区(左),摄于朱诺号最近距前2小时、离云顶约125,000公里之处。右方图板之影像,则是摄于最近南极区后1小时、距离约有94,500公里。和我们很熟悉、环绕赤道区的淡色区与暗带相间景观形成强烈对比的是:极区的云呈迴旋状,有许多交错的正旋和逆迴风暴系统。在朱诺号的任务期间,另外还规划有35次近距离飞越。


Image Credit: NASA, JPL, JunoMission
Explanation: A wide, looping orbitbrought Juno close to Jupiter on August 27.As the spacecraft swung around the giant planet's polesJunoCamacquired these premier direct polar views,a change from the usual nearly equatorial perspective ofoutbound spacecraft and the telescopes of planet Earth.The sunlit side of Jupiter'snorth polarregion (left) was imaged about125,000 kilometers from the cloud tops, two hours beforeJuno's closest approach.An hour after close approach thesouth polarregion was captured from 94,500 kilometers away.Strikingly different from the alternating light-colored zonesand darker beltsgirdlingmore familiar equatorial regions,the polar region clouds appear more convoluted andmottledby many clockwise and counterclockwise rotating storm systems.Another 35 close orbital flybys are planned during the Juno mission.


