2016年06月26日:新地平线号的木星云层-(Jupiter's Clouds from New Horizons)

2016年06月26日:新地平线号的木星云层-(Jupiter's Clouds from New Horizons)

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2016年06月26日:新地平线号的木星云层-(Jupiter's Clouds from New Horizons)
2016年06月26日:新地平线号的木星云层-(Jupiter's Clouds from New Horizons)--原图下载

Image Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins U. APL, SWRI
说明: 在前往冥王星的旅程中,新地平线号太空船拍下了一些精采的木星影像。木星除了以大红斑着称之外,平行于赤道、用中小型望远镜即可见的亮暗相间云带,也很出名。上面这幅水平方向经过压缩的2007年主题影像,除了呈现了明暗交界线附近的景观,也突显了木星多样的云纹。影像最左端、最靠近木星南极的环行星暗色云带上,可见到许多纷乱的漩涡状云纹。就连淡色的云区上,也有难以数计的云纹及繁複的波纹。驱动这些波纹的能量,很显然的是源自云层之下。新地平线号为人类发射过最快速的探测船,在2015成功完成飞越冥王星的主要任务之后,目前正往外曳航,预定在2019年越过柯伊伯带天体─2014 MU69。在最近,许多太空热爱者正引颈期待朱诺号在下星期一抵达木星。


Image Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins U. APL, SWRI
Explanation: The New Horizons spacecraft took some stunning images of Jupiter on its way out to Pluto.Famous for itsGreat Red Spot, Jupiter is also known for its regular, equatorial cloud bands,visible through even modest sized telescopes.The featured image, horizontally compressed, was taken in 2007 near Jupiter's terminator and shows the Jovian giant's wide diversity of cloud patterns. On the far left are clouds closest to Jupiter's South Pole. Here turbulent whirlpools and swirls are seen in a dark region,dubbed a belt, that rings the planet. Even light colored regions, called zones, show tremendous structure, complete with complex wave patterns. The energy that drives these waves surely comes from below. New Horizonsis the fastest space probeever launched, has successfully complete its main flyby of Pluto in 2015, and is now heading further out and on track to flyby Kuiper belt object 2014 MU69 in 2019.In the near term, many space enthusiasts excitedly await Juno's arrival at Jupiter next Monday.


